Education and Research

The objective of the Working Group on Education and Research (WGER) is to further strengthen academic cooperation in the Barents Region in response to the growing international challenges and needs in the field of human resources, research and innovation.

The present work of the group is carried out through regular forums on education and research hosted by the institutions of higher education and research in all of the member countries. WGER is promoting knowledge of the Barents area and education in the Barents area.

Among other activities the working group supported the Barents Phd Summer Schools that have been arranged since 2014 in Kirkenes, Umeå, Kuusamo and Arkhangelsk by the Universities of Oulu, Umeå, Tromsø and Arkhangelsk.

During the Swedish and the Norwegian chairmanship periods 2018-2021 efforts were made to re-establish the network and locate representatives at all universities aiming at improving the engagement of researchers and academic leaders in this working group.





Barents Regional Youth Council's (BRYC) representative

Representative of Indigenous Peoples Working Group (WGIP)