Health and Social Issues

The Working Group on Health and related Social issues (WGHS) brings together governments, regions, organizations and experts in health and related social issues with the aim to improve public health and social well-being of the people in the Barents Region.

The WGHS works closely with organizations such as the Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Members of the WGHS are Norway, Sweden and Finland. Both the central government level and the Barents regions in all countries are represented, as well as the Working Group of Indigenous Peoples. The European Commission, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being take part in the work when needed.

WGHS meeting in Bodø, April 2024

The Working Group on Health and related Social issues provides a political structure for health and social cooperation, in which representatives of the national and regional health authorities of the Barents countries meet twice a year to discuss relevant issues.

Norway holds the chairmanship of the WGHS for the period 2023-2024.

The first Barents Health Ministers' Meeting took place in Oslo 12 November 2019.

Barents Framework Collaboration Programme on Health and Related Social issues 2024-2027

The WGHS prepares its own health and social programme for four years at a time. The current programme covers the period 2024-2027. The main priority areas of the programme are:

  • Programme on Children and Youth at Risk (CYAR)
  • Programme on Developing Preparedness through Building Health Competences and Impementation of New Technologies and Modern Methods for Health Care (PNT)
  • Programme on Developing New Approaches for Prevention and Health Promotion in Collaboration Acroiss Borders (PHP)

More information about the The Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being





Barents Regional Youth Council's (BRYC) representative

Representative of Indigenous Peoples Working Group (WGIP)