Generation Barents is an event for youth passionate about the future of the High North, students, members of youth councils, young entrepreneurs, and anyone is welcome to join as newcomers! The event gives a great opportunity for youth and young adults to network, engage in interactive workshops, and join the discussion on education, job opportunities, housing and development. During the event participants get to contribute to the drafting of the new Barents Youth Program by Barents Regional Youth Council. Participants get also the chance to enjoy Bodø's cultural life with entertainment during evening activities.

Sign up:

Participation is free but binding. There is a limited number of slots, so it is recommended to register as soon as possible. Registration deadline is 30th of August. Youth and young adults living in Northern Norway, Northern Sweden, Northern Finland, Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands can register for the event through THIS LINK.

The event is organized by Barents Regional Youth Council (BRYC), the International Barents Secretariat, the Norwegian Barents Secretariat, and Nordland County Council.

Main partners: NORA, Bodø2024 / UNG2024, Arktis 2030