ARCHIVE MATERIAL: Hot Spots Exclusion Procedure


The Hot Spots Exclusion Procedure (HSEP) was developed in 2010 and consists of eight steps implying examination of the environmental status of each hot spot.

In order to launch the Exclusion Procedure, the status of the hot spots is examined by the federal and regional authorities of the Russian Federation. Based on the status assessment and the assessment of actions already carried out, the hot spot owner elaborates and carries out actions necessary to remove the hot spot from the Barents List.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (Minprirody RF) with the Federal Environmental and Nature Management Supervision Service (Rosprirodnadzor) are responsible for the overall implementation of the Exclusion Procedure. The practical operation is done by the five regional Hot spot Exclusion Groups (HEGs), established in Arkhangelsk and Murmansk Regions, Republics of Karelia and Komi, as well as in Nenets Autonomes Region. These groups are comprised by regional environmental authorities and Hot Spots owners.

The BEAC Working Group on Environment’s Subgroup on Hot Spots Exclusion coordinates the work on Hot Spot exclusion. The Nordic Environment Finance Corporation, Nefco, manages a special financial tool, the Barents Hot Spots Facility, to launch projects at the Hot Spots.

Barents Hot Spot Facility

Read more about the BHSF in a brochure (Nefco, 2020)

The so-called Full Track HSEP consists of eight consequent steps:

1. Initiation of Exclusion
2. Screening and Analysis
3. Definition of Hot Spot issue and Specific Exclusion Criteria
4. Drafting of Action Plan
5. Approval of Action Plan
6. Implementation of Action Plan
7. Application for Exclusion
8. Exclusion from the Barents Environmental Hot Spots List

The first Hot Spot to go through the Full Track Exclusion Procedure was Ko7 Wood Processing Industry Waste Management, excluded from the list in 2017 due to development of bioenergy sector in the nine forest districts of the Komi Republic. As a result, both newly generated wood waste and some of the old waste has been used to produce biofuels - wood briquettes and pellets.

Ko 7 Wood Processing Industry Waste Management

Read more about development of bioenergy sector in the Komi Republic (in Russian)

In 2020, two pilot Hot Spots, which followed both the Full Track Exclusion Procedure as well as the new Russian BAT-based permit granting process, were excluded from the Barents List: Ko3-2 Mondi Syktyvkar Pulp and Paper Mill (wastewater discharge), located in the Komi Republic, and K5 Sewage treatment in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia. Both installations fulfill requirements of the Best Available Techniques (BAT), set by the new Russian Environmental legislation (FZ-219).

Best Available Technologies as Hot Spots Exclusion Criteria

Read an article from 2020

In 2021, a similar "double-pilot" procedure was initiated by M5 Kovdorsky GOK of EuroChem, mining and concentration combined enterprise, in order to apply for exclusion from the Barents List and to obtain an integrated environmental permit from the Russian supervising authorities. As a result of cooperation, Environmental Performance Enhancement Program (EPEP) has been developed by the company with participation of Nordic and Russian experts. Kovdorsky GOK has been implementing the program to reduce wastewater discharge.